
Laravel Livewire Alpinejs FlatPicker

This technical test implements a comprehensive booking management interface utilizing Livewire and Alpine.js, designed to streamline booking creation and tracking. The main interface consists of a booking form for creating and saving new entries, situated next to a dynamic table that displays all existing bookings. screen shot


The booking form includes robust validation to ensure data accuracy, with clear error messages displayed for any fields that don’t meet the required criteria. For selecting start and end dates, the Flatpickr package is used to enhance the input fields, offering an intuitive, calendar-based date picker that improves user experience.


The accompanying booking table is designed with pagination, allowing users to efficiently navigate through larger sets of bookings. Additionally, the table updates automatically when new bookings are added, providing a seamless, real-time reflection of the latest entries without requiring page reloads.

Together, these components create a streamlined booking process that combines reactive UI elements with real-time data handling, improving both functionality and user interaction.